
Our Community

St Mark’s is made up of current students and staff, parents, past parents and a developing Alumni. As a great school we proudly engage the community beyond the classroom and gates of the College.

Old Scholars

The College is very committed to its history and to the people who created an enduring legacy. We are very keen to invite our alumini to keep an awareness of each other and the progress of the school through the Old Scholars’ Association.

Parents and Friends

The College is very committed to its partnership with parents. We are very keen to invite parents into association. The hopes and ambitions of all students are enhanced through this relationship.


Volunteers are valued members of our College community. St Mark’s College provides opportunities for interested people to be involved with the wider school community as a volunteer. 

Become a Volunteer

To become a valued volunteer at St Mark's College, complete our Volunteer Induction.


455 The Terrace, Port Pirie South Australia 5540
T 08 8633 8800

Benedict 08 8633 8802
Bosco 08 8633 8801 or text 0428 475 539