
Philippines Immersion

Making memories and stories that will touch students hearts for many years to come.

A cultural experience of a lifetime!

Biannually, Year 10, 11 and 12 students are given the opportunity to travel to the Philippines and partake in this life-changing experience. Our students get to see the amazing sights of this beautiful country, immerse themselves in the rich culture, and deeply connect with the Filipino people. The Immersion makes a deep impact on those who journeyed throughout this wonderful country. It broadens perspective and students grow in appreciation of things.

In 2025, our students will be accompanied by Katie Pole (Deputy Principal) and Fr Jimmy Pantin as they travel the Philippines. The Immersion experience will largely be one of outreach and service. Students can expect to fully engage the Philippine culture and will work closely with schools and the underprivileged.

2019 Immersion


455 The Terrace, Port Pirie South Australia 5540
T 08 8633 8800

Benedict 08 8633 8802
Bosco 08 8633 8801 or text 0428 475 539